Ford M8 Armoured Car 1944

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Project Details


Project Description

Current Owner
Private Collector

Ford M8

Year of Manufacture

Vehicle History

The M8 is a light armoured car, primarily used by calvary reconnaissance units.  It was used extensively during WW2 and postwar. Around 8600 M8 were produced during WW2. Crew: 4. Armament include a 37mm M6 Gun, 30cal. Coaxial and a 50cal machine guns for anticraft use. Engine is a JXD Hercules 6 cylinder 5.2Litre Petrol producing 110 Bhp and 200 pounds Torque. Performance 55mph.

 This Particular vehicles has seen little use since it was restored, it is in excellent original condition. The History is unclear however postwar it is believed to have been used by the Italian Army.