M29C Weasel 1945

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Project Details


Project Description

Current Owner
Private Collector

M29C Weasel

Year of Manufacture

Vehicle History

Produced by Studebaker, originally to operate in snow but found extensive use in all theatres  of operation. Originally design M29 with 15inch tracks.  This was superseded by the M29C with 20 inch tracks and additional floatation aids. Amphibious capabilities in inland waterways and excellent off-road capabilities this vehicles was well suited to Signal and Engineer units with approximatly 15000 produced.

Engine: Powered by the Studebaker Champion 6 Cylinder 3.6 Litre Petrol 70 Bhp. Crew: 4. Performance: 35mph

Extensively restored over 12 years including replacement floors and new L.A.R tracks and sprockets. This particular unit was used after WW2 by the Norwegian Army. It was decommissioned by them without the floatation aids.